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Balanced Life

We excel when we maintain a balanced life, which gives us hope. By taking time out for things that you must do, as well as things that you enjoy doing. Join me on this journey as we try to live a balanced life! Let’s live a fulfilled and balanced life that re-energizes and reconnects us with who we are meant to be. Remember that a balanced life begins with you.

1. Physical, mental, and spiritual health

• Physical health is vital for your overall well-being, and it affects our lives in various ways, such as our mood, and emotions. Start slow, set weekly goals, make a vision board, and just get moving. Start walking, go to the gym if you can. You can do it. I have resumed regular visits to the gym to reconnect with my body.

• Mental health affects how we think and feel about things. It also determines how we handle stress, get along with others, and helps us to make healthy decisions. Mental health is an essential part of our life’s journey. We keep our minds healthy when we are in balance. Start with one positive thought daily.

By managing your spiritual health, and taking time for spiritual balance, you can manage the painful situation. Spiritual health can be achieved when you are at peace with your current life. Spiritual balance helps you Let’s be clear spirituality is different for everyone.

• Live a purposeful life

• Spend some time reflecting as often as you can.

• Have a thorough understanding of right and wrong

• Be able to explain what you believe in

• Care for others that are around you

• Show your compassionate side daily

• Share your joy and peace with others

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1Thessalonians 5:11

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." MOTHER TERESA

Next week we will talk about family

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